Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
2. Why Coaching Needs Real Intelligence, Not Artificial Intelligence
by Tatiana Bachkirova Ph.D.
3. Cultural Humility and Social Identity in Coaching
by Pooja Jetho Khatija, Maria V. Feddeck and Erica M. Johnson
4. Coaching Extremely Normal Clients in Professional Services Firms: Contemptuous and Compassionate Perspectives from Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
by Julian Humphreys PhD
5. Coaching Interventions for Body Dissatisfaction: Preventing Eating Disorder Symptoms
by Juleen K. Buser PhD
6. Coaching in the Presence of Acknowledged and Unacknowledged Domestic Abuse: Implications for Coaching Practice and Training
by Jemma Harris Bawden PhD
7. The Case for Peer Coaching in Undergraduate Leadership Education
by by Maria V. Feddeck and Tracey E. Messer
8. There is No Such Thing as Coaching Ethics: An Opinion Piece
by Julius Weinberg DM
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Dr Ana Paula Nacif and Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
2. Creating the Conditions for Reflethical Practice: Exploring the potential for creativity and arts-based approaches to support the development and evolution of ethical awareness in coaching practice
by Beth Clare McManus and Sally Waters
3. An ethical framework for coaching research among vulnerable groups: Paving the way to a more inclusive approach
by Jo Collins and Ana Paula Nacif
4. Book review: Coaching Life
by Ian Day
5. Book review: Light Up: The Science of Coaching with Metaphor
by Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Dr Ana Paula Nacif and Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
2. Coaching from a Place of Grounded Uncertainty: Richard Rorty’s Neo-Pragmatism and the ICF’s Core Competency Model
by Julian Humphreys
3. Senior Female Leadership: An Exploration of Midlife Experiences and the Relevance of Developmental Coaching
by Nicola Patterson and Susan Rose
4. Book review: Creating the Reflective Habit: A Practical Guide for
Coaches, Mentors and Leaders
by Clare Norman
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Dr Ana Paula Nacif and Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
2. Aligning the ontologies of leadership and coaching using Leadership-as-Practice
by Jennifer L. Robinson & Phil St J. Renshaw
3. A new purpose for Socratic questioning in coaching
by Stefano De Dominicis
4. Return of the ‘Three Amigos’: Applying the Functions of Supervision in the Executive Coaching Context
by Michael Armour
5. Book review: Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Coaching by Salma Shah
by Nancy Maher
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Dr Ana Paula Nacif and Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
2. ‘I was exhausted, and there was no break at all’: how Black women leadership coaches understood and navigated workplace tensions after the racial reckoning
by Angela D. Carter, Stephanie Sisco & Rubina F. Malik
3. Decolonising reflective practice and supervision
by Charmaine Roche
4. An exploration of the relationship between self-confidence and female leadership: The role of workplace coaching in supporting gender equality
by Fiona Wilkinson & Susan Rose
5. The barriers to a scientific, evidence-based coaching evaluation practice
by Miriam Schneider, Almuth McDowall & David Tee
6. Book review: How to thrive as a coach in a digital world by Sam Isaacson
Reviewed by James Bridgeman
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Dr Ana Paula Nacif and Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
2. Phronesis as reflection
by Andrew J. T. George
3. Exploring the experience of using music and creative mark-making as a reflective tool during coaching supervision: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
by Beth Clare McManus and Dr Andrea Giraldez-Hayes
4. Book review: The Coaches’ Handbook: The Complete Practitioner Guide for Professional Coaches edited by Jonathan Passmore
by Françoise Orlov
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Paul Lawrence Ph.D. and Gordon Spence Ph.D.
2. Applying the Lens of Social Movements to Coaching and Mentoring
by Judie M. Gannon Ph.D.
3. Smorgasbords, Cracked Pots and Potholes: The Role of Chronotopes in Shaping Coaching Conversations
by Melissa Dennison, Paul K. Stokes Ph.D. & Paul W. Sullivan
4. Team Coaching: Systemic Perspectives and their Limitations
by Paul Lawrence Ph.D.
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Paul Lawrence Ph.D. and Gordon Spence Ph.D.
2. Creating Fertile Voids: The Use of Poetry in Developmental Coaching
by Deborah Humphrey and Carl Tomlinson
3. An Empirical Investigation of Leader Identity Formation and Implications for Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
by Suzette Skinner
4. Systemically Integrated Approaches to Coaching: An Introduction
by Sean O’Connor
5. BOOK REVIEW: 101 Coaching Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries and Experiments by Michelle Lucas
Reviewed by Francoise Orlov
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Paul Lawrence Ph.D. and Gordon Spence Ph.D.
2. “Twenty years of evidence-based coaching and onward into the future”: Reflections on a conference
by Sean O’Connor Ph.D.
3. Beautiful ideas that can make us ill: Implications for coaching
by Tatiana Bachkirova Ph.D. and Simon Borrington
4. Fit to listen? An initial exploration of “coach fitness”
by Gordon Spence Ph.D.
5. Coaching practitioner development: Beyond training and supervision to
growth focused therapy
by Travis Kemp Ph.D.
6. Factors that influence users’ adoption of being coached by an Artificial
Intelligence Coach
by Nicky Terblanche Ph.D. and Danie Cilliers
7. Towards a theory of Leader Identity Formation and its application in
executive coaching
by Suzette Skinner
8. The BEST model of performance enhancement
by John A Franklin Ph.D.
9. Working with ‘difficult’ clients from a systems perspective by Be Pannell Ph.D.
10. Coaching for wisdom: System 3 thinking in complex decision-making
by Peter J Webb
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Paul Lawrence Ph.D. and Gordon Spence Ph.D.
2. Reflective Practice for Coaches and Clients: An Integrated Model for Learning
By Alicia Hullinger Ph.D., Joel A. DiGirolamo & Thomas Tkach
3. What is Systemic Coaching?
By Paul Lawrence Ph.D.
4. Using Group Coaching to Foster Reflection and Learning in an MBA Classroom
By Erek J. Ostrowski Ph.D.
5. BOOK REVIEW: Peer Supervision in Coaching and Mentoring. A Versatile Guide for Reflective Practice by Tammy Turner, Michelle Lucas & Carol Whitaker
Reviewed by Cat Dunne
6. BOOK REVIEW: Transformational Coaching to Lead Culturally Diverse Teams by Sunny Stout-Rostron
Reviewed by Keegan Luiters
7. BOOK REVIEW: Coaching and Mentoring Research: A Practical Guide by Lindsay Oades, Christine Siokou & Gavin Slemp
Reviewed by Gordon Spence
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Terrence Maltbia Ed.D.
2. Systems Coaching, Models of Typology, and Emergence
by Vicky Jo Varner Ph.D.
3. Needs Supportive Coaching & the Coaching Ripple Effect: Elevating Individual & Whole System Engagement
by Sean Anthony O'Connor Ph.D. & Angela Wright
4. Seeing Polaris: A Call to Integrate Visual Images into Coaching Action Plans
by Yaron Prywes Ph.D. & Elisabeth Mah
5. Reciprocal Peer Coaching Supported by a Professional Coach: The Future of Sustained Leader Development?
by Liane Kemp
6. How to Improve Complex and Creative Knowledge Work in 21st Century Organizations with Kanban
by Gabe Abella & Shannon Arvizu Ph.D.
7. Contextual Coaching: Leveraging Context for Alignment in the System
by Michael Valentine J.D., Ph.D.
8. Systemic Coaching Supervision: Responding to the Complex Challenges of Our Time
by Angela Wright, Margaret McLean Walsh & Sarah Tennyson
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
2. Coaching Effectiveness: Coach and Coachee Characteristics That Lead To Success
by Sheila M. Boysen Ph.D.
3. Integral Framework as a Systemic Foundation for Coaching
by JP Jakonen & Matti Kamppinen Ph.D.
4. Authentic Leadership Development: Some Philosophical, Theoretical and Practical Dilemmas answered through Group-Coaching and the ALD360
by Tony Fusco D.Psych
5. Is Developmental Coaching Morally Acceptable?
by Gisella Mercaldi Ph.D.
6. Whose Values are you Living when you’re Living your Values? An Existential Approach to Values Clarification Coaching
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
7. BOOK REVIEW. Altered Traits: Science reveals how Meditation changes your Mind, Brain and Body by Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson
Reviewed by Krish Iyer
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
2. The Limits and Possibilities of a Person-Centered Approach In Coaching Through the Lens of Adult Development Theories
by Tatiana Bachkirova Ph.D. & Simon Borrington
3. Supervision’s ‘Three Amigos’: Exploring the Evolving Functions of Supervision and its Application in the Field of Coaching
by Michael R. Armour
4. Developing Leaders at Business Schools with Coaching Skills Aligned with the Goals of Responsible Management Education
by Dorrian Elizabeth Aiken Ph.D. & Salome Van Coller-Peter
5. Coaching To What End? The Development and Enactment of a Shared Critically Oriented Coaching Discourse
by Laura M. Lang Ph.D.
6. BOOK REVIEW. The 9 Types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st Century by Beatrice Chestnut
Reviewed by Elena Khomenko
7. BOOK REVIEW. Who Do We Choose To Be?: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity by Margaret Wheatley
Reviewed by Tamar Kagan
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
2. An Evaluation of Digital Portfolios in Coach Education: Developing Reflective Coach Practitioners
by Michelle L. Albaugh Ph.D., Kimberly S. Scott Ph.D., and Amy L. Conn
3. Re-Conceptualising Coach Education from the Perspectives of Pragmatism and Constructivism
by Tatiana Bachkirova Ph.D., Peter Jackson Ph.D., Judie Gannon Ph.D., Ioanna Iordanou Ph.D., and Adrian Myers Ph.D.
4. The Science Behind Powerful Questioning: A Systemic Questioning Framework for Coach Educators and Practitioners
by Laura L. Hauser Ph.D.
5. Leadership Coaching 2.0: Improving the Marriage between Leadership and Coaching
by Ken Otter Ph.D.
6. Coaching: Meaning-Making Process or Goal-Resolution Process?
by Natalie Cunningham
7. BOOK REVIEW. The SAGE Handbook of Coaching by Tatiana Bachkirova, Gordon Spence & David Drake (Eds.)
Reviewed by Pauline Fatien Diochon Ph.D.
8. BOOK REVIEW. The SAGE Handbook of Coaching by Tatiana Bachkirova, Gordon Spence & David Drake (Eds.)
Reviewed by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
9. BOOK REVIEW. Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work With People You Don’t Agree With or Like or Trust by Adam Kahane
Reviewed by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
10. BOOK REVIEW. The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness by Dolly Laskal
Reviewed by Elizabeth McCourt
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
2. Transcending Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching and Supervision: A Model to Develop a Transpersonal Perspective
by Karim Hirani
3. Preparing Instructional Coaches for Teachers in America's Public Schools
by Lisa J. Lucas Ed.D.
4. BOOK REVIEW. The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More, and Change the Way You Lead Forever by Michael Bungay Stanier
Reviewed by Allyson Woodroofe
5. BOOK REVIEW. Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion by Paul Bloom
Reviewed by Ana Paula Nacif
6. BOOK REVIEW. Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life by Susan David
Reviewed by Francoise Orlov Ph.D.
7. BOOK REVIEW. The Thoughtful Leader: A Model of Integrative Leadership by Jim Fisher Reviewed by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
1. Front Matter with Editor's Introduction
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
2. Coaching From a Philosophy of Science Perspective
by Thomas Krapu Ph.D.
3. The Evolution of One Coach Practitioner's Coach Approach: Taking The Coaching Turn
by Daniel Doherty Ph.D.
4. What Theories of Leadership Are Implicit in a Coach Approach?
by Michael Cherry Ed.D. and Sheila Boysen-Rotelli Ph.D.
5. Building Capacities for Change: Wellness Coaching as a Positive Approach to Student Development
by James Larcus, Todd Gibbs and Tyler Hackman
6. Bridging the Gap Between Higher Education and the Workforce: A Coach Approach to Teaching
by Hayley Hesseln Ph.D. and Janice Gair
7. Developing Principles for Therapeutic Coaching: A U.K. Perspective
by Sue Jackson and Andrew Parsons
8. Bridging the Coaching/Therapy Divide: What Co-Active Coaches can Learn from ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
9. BOOK REVIEW. The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves by The Arbinger Institute
Reviewed by Tony Vitaliano Zampella
10. BOOK REVIEW. Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths
Reviewed by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
11. BOOK REVIEW. Peak: How to Master Almost Anything by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool
Reviewed by Julian Humphreys Ph.D.
12. BOOK REVIEW. What Got You Here Won't Get You There, Mojo & Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith with Mark Reiter
Reviewed by Elizabeth C. McCourt